Chantel Ridsdale: Why is Data Literacy so important?

"Right now we're working for the data. Now we just need to use the data and make it work for us."

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Chantel Ridsdale: Why is Data Literacy so important? (Video)

Daten wirken so sauber, so objektiv. Und können das genaue Gegenteil sein. Wir sollten öfter hinterfragen, wie Daten benutzt werden, um Meinungen zu beeinflussen. Chantel Ridsdale vom Canadian Cryospheric Information Network (CCIN) nennt gute Gründe, wieso Datenkompetenzen heutzutage essenziell zur Bildung gehören sollten.

Data seems to clean, so unbiassed. And it can be quite the opposite. We need to question more often how data is used to make opinions. Chantel Ridsdale of the Canadian Cryospheric Information Network (CCIN) has some good reasons why data literacy should be an essential part of education today.

Beim Stifterverband im Video:
Die Zukunftsmacher und ihre Visionen für Bildung und Ausbildung, Forschung und Technik

Autor: Timur Diehn
Produktion: Webclip Medien Berlin
für den YouTube-Kanal des Stifterverbandes


Transkript des Videos

In order to derive results from data you need to be data literate, whether you're using the data or seeing the endresults of the visualisation or anything like that you need to be able to understand what you're looking at.

The data is not going away. We're being ... with the interconnectivity that we have currently, with cell phones and the internet and smart devices the data is being collected whether we want to or not. We've already bought into that data culture. Now we just need to use the data and make it work for us. Right now we're working for the data. It's kinda how I look at it. So how do we make the data make our lives easier or make more sense of instead of collecting the data about us? How can we make the data work for us?

In Canada it's been a large focus for the last at least 5 or 6 years to ensure that the public has access to it. There's a Canadian open data portal that provides data from government agencies, so how public funds are being spent, what services are being offered, as well as research that is conducted within agencies and researchers in Canada. So that's not the only data portal. There are other data portals. So in order to be most effective I think that it needs to be federated, that these open data portals need to be easier to access, that people need to be educated on where they are and how to find them.

Media literacy has a lot to do with it as well, there is a lot of infographics and visualisations that are being used in media nowadays as well as social media that can easily be manipulated by people publishing that for malicious intent. And because it's published and because it's "clean" people trust that information. But that's not always the case, so you need to have these skills to be able to critically evaluate whether that information ... because visualisations in infographics are visualisations of the abstract data you need to be able to critically analyze whether it's accurate, whether it's trustworthy, whether you need to ask more questions. Because causation is not correlation. Just because something happens with something else doesn't mean it's caused by it. It just happens, and you need to know the difference to be able to ask the questions because that tends to be one of the ones that people misunderstand.